
Very best self life

Summary of the main characteristics of the variety

Victory is an early variety with regular production throughout the whole season. It is a rustic variety that stands out mainly for the post-harvest life of its fruits, unparalleled in another variety, being able to reach the most distant destinations. Its skin is firm and very resistant to friction even in the most unfavorable conditions. The fruit that it produces is heart shaped with a very attractive visual aspect, with its great flavor, optimal Brix levels and stable caliber throughout the season. The fruit has a deep red exterior color and light red interior.

Type of variety

Short Day

Commercial name



Medium, early

Type of plant


Fruit Size


Fruit Shape


Victory strawberry

Advise from the point of view of one of our agronomist

Victory is a very rustic variety, characteristic that makes it very resistant to vascular fungal diseases, in addition its vigorous plant makes its fertilization needs less than other varieties.

Comment from the point of view of a consumer

Victory fruits looks great at the supermarket it also surprises that it still looks wonderful after a few days in the fridge, besides its flavor is delicious.

Victory strawberry

Type of Plants & its availability

Victory strawberry-Potted plant

September and October

Potted plant
Victory strawberry-Bare root plant


Bare root plant
Victory Strawberry-Frigo plant

July to September

Frigo plant

Growing Areas

- Mild climates

  • South of Spain
  • Mediterranean arch
  • North of Africa
Victory straberry - Growing areas

Get in touch

For more information about Victory Strawberries, recommendations about your crop or plant orders you can contact us at